
Penn State Abington celebrates International Education Week

Penn State Abington is celebrating the 10th annual International Education Week (IEW) on campus, Monday, Nov. 9 through Friday, Nov. 13. IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education highlighting the benefits of international education and exchange. The theme for IEW 2009 is "Creating a Vision for a Better Tomorrow."

Penn State Abington recognizes National Coming Out Month

Penn State Abington recognized National Coming Out Month in October by inviting internationally known gay rights advocate Brian Sims to speak with students about LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender)issues. Sims, who visited the Abington campus on Oct. 8, entertained and educated the audience with his quick wit and self-deprecating humor about coming out in 2000 during his senior year at Bloomsburg University while he was the captain of Bloomsburg's nationally-ranked Division II football team. Sims remains the only openly gay college football captain in NCAA history.

Abington professor looks at pre-wedding rituals and gender roles in new book

Weddings are a time when a woman and man pledge their unwavering devotion to each other, but the months before the big day can be quite stressful and confusing for women, according to Beth Montemurro, assistant professor of sociology at Penn State Abington. In her new book, "Something Old, Something Bold: Bridal Showers and Bachelorette Parties" (Rutgers University Press), Montemurro takes a fresh look at the wedding process, offering a perspective not likely to be found in the planning books and magazines readily available to the modern bride. She focuses on bachelorette parties and bridal showers to show what these events mean to women and what they say about gender roles.