Events at 阿宾顿 delve into English professors' research on satire, imagining

Headshots of 玛丽莎尼科西亚 安德鲁·布里克

玛丽莎尼科西亚, associate professor of Renaissance literature at 阿宾顿, 安德鲁·布里克, an associate professor of English literature at Ghent University in Belgium, will highlight their research at two events 2月. 27.


阿宾顿,爸爸. -两个公共活动 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 2月. 27 .将重点研究 玛丽莎尼科西亚, associate professor of Renaissance literature at 阿宾顿, 以及她的长期同事安德鲁·布里克, an associate professor of English literature at Ghent University in Belgium. 

中午在拉雷斯大厦开始, Bricker will deliver his lecture "Validating the Vicious: Rationalizing Satire's Failures in the Twenty-First Century,这包括午餐.  

Bricker will then switch roles and interview Nicosia about her new book, "Imagining Time in the English Chronicle Play: Historical Futures, 1590-1660,下午3点.m. in 8 Sutherland Building followed by a reception. 登记 缩放选项是可用的. 

The pair met more than a decade ago when were selected for 安德鲁W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in Critical Bibliography. They found commonalities in their work, and they have maintained ties through their research. Nicosia and Bricker are founding senior fellows of the scholarly society that grew out of this initial fellowship, 安德鲁W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography at Rare Book School. 

Nicosia initiated Bricker’s appearance on campus, which includes the public lecture and visits with students.  

“I am not only consistently impressed with the rigor, scope and relevance of Andrew’s research ... but also his engaging way of writing and speaking about his research to students, colleagues and members of the general public,”她说。. 

尼科西亚的新书, 下午晚些时候会议的焦点, argues that playwrights in the early modern period constructed speculative futures when they report narratives about the national past. Drawing on historical formalism and critical bibliography, this study reveals the metaphoric and material ways that chronicle plays participate in debates about temporality and politics in this time frame. 

The idea for Nicosia’s book emerged from her doctoral dissertation, and she has since radically revised and transformed it with the addition of new research and reframing. 

“My book focuses on plays that portray the English past but imagine possible futures for the nation. Playwrights like Shakespeare and his contemporaries were engaging in future imagining although some didn’t want these futures to happen. It’s the practice of imaginative literature,”她说。. 

The book includes the time period during the English civil wars when theaters were closed, but playwrights were still imagining the country’s future, and they weighed in on contemporary politics.  

“例如, 狡猾的克伦威尔,' the playwright imagines a bad future to try to prevent it, but we can see it as this uncanny anticipation of this outcome. People were reading these alongside news and political pamphlets. A lot that I see in these texts reminds me of 'Saturday Night Live' or coverage in The Onion or other modern sites that are showing the absurdity in the news,尼科西亚说. 

“I was thinking about the relationship between history and literature and what happens on the stage while researching and writing. These playwrights never let telling a good story get in the way of the facts. 想象对他们来说太重要了, and they took the time to play with it to do political or creative work,她接着说. 

Both events have been organized by the English program at 阿宾顿 with support from the 世界人文倡议 of the Penn State Humanities Institute and the Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography at Rare Book School. 


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